
For the latest weather forecast for Ikaria click here to visit the official Greek meteorology page for Ikaria: Ikaria 3 Day Weather Forecast (in greek, but with easy to understand images).

Ikaria Climate

The climate of Ikaria is relatively mild with strong Southerly winds in the short wet winter, and cool Northerly winds in the long dry Summer. During July and August the Aegian sea around Ikaria is rough thanks to the Meltemi North-Easterly gales. These winds help to keep the summer temperature down at around 30 degrees or lower.

In the mountains (up to 1,040m) of the interior of Ikaria mist and cloud formations keep the highest peaks humid even in the middle of summer, and keeping the Chalaris river flowning throughtout the year (from South to North across the island). During the winter these clouds can even cause snowfall. The interior of Ikaria takes advantage of this humidity with extensive agricultural development.

Average temperature on Ikaria measured in degrees Celcius:

Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
12.5 16 20 24.5 27 26.5 24 19.5 15.5

The mean average rainfall on Ikaria is 870mm.

Useful Link

Weather Underground Forecast for Ikaria (measurements from Samos).